Proposed MD Waterfowl Hunting Seasons

 Maryland Waterfowl Seasons and Bag Limits

Snow Goose Hunts Maryland – Delaware

Each year, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reviews the status of waterfowl populations and develops waterfowl hunting season proposals based upon federal frameworks. These proposed regulations are used to gain public input regarding waterfowl seasons and bag limits for the 2011-2012 hunting season.

It is important to note that the priorities considered by DNR when formulating hunting season proposals include (1) the biological requirements of the waterfowl resource, (2) regulation simplicity, (3) maximizing open hunting days statewide, especially Saturdays and holidays, and (4) maximizing opportunity for all hunters, particularly youth.

Hundreds of contacts are made each year with waterfowl hunters who express their opinions and desires about waterfowl hunting opportunities. This input is critical to the development of hunting season and bag limit proposals. It is important to note that state wildlife agencies may be more restrictive than the federal frameworks, but not more liberal when selecting seasons and bag limits.

Note: Shooting hours for regular waterfowl seasons are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset except for (1) teal during the September season when shooting hours are sunrise to sunset and (2) for Resident Canada geese during September seasons when shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset. All hunting season dates are inclusive. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit, except for light geese (greater and lesser snow geese, Ross’ geese) which have no possession limit. Waterfowl hunting is closed on Sundays by Maryland law.

Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days

Any licensed hunter 15 years old or younger may participate during these 2 hunting days. Youth of this age who are exempt from Maryland hunting license requirements may also participate. Youth waterfowl hunters must possess a receipt showing they purchased a $9 Maryland Migratory Game Bird Hunting Stamp. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult at least 21 years old that holds a valid Maryland hunting license or is exempt from the hunting license requirements. The accompanying adult may call waterfowl, assist with decoys, and retrieve downed birds but may not possess a hunting weapon.

Season Dates: Oct. 29 & Nov. 5

Daily Bag and Possession Limits

Daily Bag Limit: 6 ducks (including mergansers) with certain species restrictions (see duck daily bag limit below). In addition, youth hunters may take 2 Canada geese, 2 brant, 25 light geese, and 15 coots.

Ducks, Coots, and Mergansers

Regular Duck Season: Oct. 15 – Oct. 22
Nov. 12 – Nov. 25
Dec. 13 – Jan. 28
Black Duck Season: Nov. 12 – Nov. 25
Dec. 13 – Jan. 28

Daily Bag and Possession Limits

The daily bag limit of ducks is 6. The 6-duck limit (including mergansers) shall consist of no more than 5 long-tailed ducks, 4 scoters, 4 mallards (max. 2 hen mallards), 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup, 2 hooded mergansers, 2 pintails, 1 canvasback, 1 fulvous tree duck, 1 mottled duck, and 1 black duck (during black duck season). All other species of ducks (except harlequin ducks) may be taken up to the 6-duck limit. There is no open season for harlequin ducks. In addition to the duck bag limit, hunters may take 15 coots per day.

Sea Ducks (Scoters, Long-tailed Duck, and Eiders) in Special Sea Duck Zone

Season Dates: Oct. 1 – Jan. 28
Daily Bag Limit: 5 (no more than 4 scoters) per day


Atlantic Population (AP) Canada Geese

Season Dates: Nov. 19 – Nov. 25
Dec. 15 – Jan. 28
Daily Bag Limit: 2 per day*

AP Harvest Zone:

Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Harford, Howard, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties; that portion of Carroll County east of Route 31 to the intersection of Route 97, and east of Route 97 to the Pennsylvania line; that portion of Prince George’s County east of Route 3 and Route 301; and that portion of Charles County east of Route 301 to the Virginia line.

* The daily bag limit may include Canada geese, cackling geese, and white-fronted geese singly or in aggregate.

Resident Population Canada Geese (Regular Season)

Season Dates: Nov. 15 – Nov. 25
Dec. 15 – Mar. 3
Daily Bag Limit: 5 per day*

RP Harvest Zone:

Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, Montgomery, and Washington Counties; that portion of Carroll County west of Route 31 to the intersection of Route 97, and west of Route 97 to the Pennsylvania line; that portion of Prince George’s County west of Route 3 and Route 301; and that portion of Charles County west of Route 301 to the Virginia line.

* The daily bag limit may include Canada geese, cackling geese, and white-fronted geese singly or in aggregate.

Map showing AP_RP_Canada Goose Hunting Zones

Atlantic Brant

Season Dates: Nov. 19 – Nov. 25
Dec. 9 – Jan. 28
Daily Bag Limit: 2 per day


Light Geese
(Greater and Lesser Snow Geese, Ross’ Geese)

Season Dates: Oct. 8 – Nov. 25
Nov. 28 – Jan. 28
Daily Bag Limit: 25 per day. No possession limit.


2012 Light Goose Conservation Order Season

Season Dates: Jan. 30 – April 14
Daily Bag Limit: No bag limit or possession limit

Light Goose Conservation Season Harvest Zone:

Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Harford, Howard, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties; that portion of Carroll County east of Route 31 to the intersection of Route 97, and east of Route 97 to the Pennsylvania line; that portion of Prince George’s County east of Route 3 and Route 301; and that portion of Charles County east of Route 301 to the Virginia line.

Special Regulations during Light Goose Conservation Order Season:

  1. Hunters may use unplugged shotguns and electronic calls.
  2. Extended shooting hours to one-half hour after sunset; and
  3. Hunters must possess a Snow Goose Conservation Order Hunting Season Permit while hunting light geese.
    Permits available from DNR sport license agents, online at  or by phone (1-800-918-2870) for a $5 fee.

No Open Season for Swans (tundra, trumpeter, and mute swans)


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